Friday, July 11, 2008

Picture Overload

These TWO crack me Up? They are such little trouble makers!

Ms. Olivia loved being in the pool....she's a total FIsH.

hOW cute Is this Little Guy?

My Two FaVoRiTE guYs

And look at the attitude I got from this one when I asked to take her picture. LOL

Just one more...My little guy and I! HE is starting to like his SNUGGLY!


Michelle said...

Lilly LOVES her snuggly too...we have been using it for a while now. LOVE all the pics of your vacation...i see a mini album in your future!! ;)


Cathy said...

such cute pictures of your vacation, you look great!!! Your hair is getting really long it seems.
Olivia looks so cute with her little look!!