Monday, September 1, 2008

My Little Fish

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How she adores being in the water!  If it was up to her we would spend all of our time out in the pool.

Even though my favorite season is coming up, I am just in complete denial at how very quickly summer passed us by.  Could it be because I have yet to see the ocean this year?  YES...that is most definitely it! 

I am total beach person, I love to feel the sand in between my toes and lay out in the sun all day long.  Ah just thinking about it is making me wish I could sneak away just once.   Maybe after labor day weekend when the days are cooler and the beaches aren't as crowded I will venture out with Tyler and Olivia.  We will see!

Today is Labor day and we are heading out this evening to my brother In Laws house to watch the fireworks display.  They live right on the golf course and we will be able to just set our chairs up and watch without having to take all the little ones into crazy crowds in town.  Super excited!!! I love fireworks, and I'm really hoping to get some good pictures. 

Happy Labor Day!!!

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