Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Ring Leader


Today upon arriving at school to pick up my darling little girl, I was greeted by the director whom asked to speak to me for a few minutes.  I guess I must have looked really worried because she right away assured me that Olivia was fine and was not hurt in any way.  Than she proceed to laugh and tell me that my sweet child decided to "escape" from her classroom.  Yep, not only did sneak out of her classroom she also manage to take her partners in crime, Henry & Jack.  They left the classroom and ran out into the playground!!!!  Now according to the teacher it only took them about three minutes to figure out what happened because the door to the playground is alarmed!   I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry... where does she get these "ideas"?  Seriously she is three!!!


Fast forward to our drive home.  Here is our conversation:

Me: Honey, what happened today?  Did you get in trouble with Ms. Inez {her teacher}

Olivia:  I didn't listen.

Me: Why?

Olivia: Ms. Inez said "No playground".

Me: And what did you do?

Olivia: I went to the playground.

Me: Alone?

Olivia: No silly, Henry and Jack came on the slide with me.

Me: You guys went by yourself?

Olivia: Yes, I'm a big girl mommy!


I told her how she is never ever to do anything like that again, because she needs to always listen to her teachers otherwise she might get hurt.  She promised to be a "big girl" and listen to Ms. Inez, however I am sure that this is only the beginning of my troubles.  On the other hand, when I told Ryan what happened, he laughed and actually said that he is glad that she is the "LEADER" and not a "FOLLOWER".   He is proud that his little girl is showing "LEADERSHIP SKILLS", because according to him you are born with it, and cannot ever learn that skill.


BOY Oh BOY am I ever in trouble.  Every time I think of what she will be like at the age of 13, I start to shake. LOL

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