Saturday, November 22, 2008



Last week I watched Oprah and she had one of my favorite TV hosts, Peter Walsh.  The show was all about how clutter can and will overtake your life and home!    Now I have to say that I am not in anyway living like some of the people they showed in the show, but will admit that I am a saver and have way too many things.   I decided to take the challenge and sign up for the monthly prompts from Peter. 


Here is something he said, that really got me thinking and prompted me to take on this little journey.

Define your vision for your life and space. "Here's the deal. The vision—what is it that you want from your space? I want peace. I want focus. I want a place where my family can gather," Peter says. "That then has to be the criteria for deciding whether something stays or goes. [Ask yourself,] 'Does this item help me create that vision?' If it does, keep it. If not, it doesn't belong in your home."


Check it Out if you are interested.


One of the things I am really excited about is the idea he shared on how to organize & save your children's artwork.  {I already have 2 boxes full of Olivia's}  Truth be told I would never had thought to create a Snapfish Photo Book with all of her things.   I am now sorting through the boxes and choosing not only my favorites but also the papers that show her progress in the last two years.   They also offered a free book, but I totally forgot about it and by the time I went to sign up the coupon had expired. 

I cannot wait to finish this project and will continue adding books for her.  I think she will appreciate the books and just hope that when she is older doesn't wonder why I didn't just keep her projects. 


I took it one step further and have already cleaned out my foyer closet and pantry.    He said to spend 10 minutes per day, but once I got started I just wanted to finish, so in all I spent about 2 hours in the closet and another 1 or so in the pantry.


Poor Ryan, as not clue but he will have quite a few projects on his "Honey To Do List" very soon. LOL

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh Ana!! You sound just like me...i am a de-clutter person all the way!! LOL I am constantly cleaning out clutter...unfortunately my husband is a clutter that makes my job that much harder!! LOL
Good luck on your quest to de-clutter! LOVE the snapfish idea for keeping your childs artwork and papers!