Thursday, December 4, 2008

The things you say...

Last night we were driving to my brother's house to have cake for my nieces birthday, when Olivia decided to tell us some jokes! Here is our the convo went!

Liv: Daddy, what is really big, gray and has a very long trunk?
Daddy: An elephant
Liv: Good job daddy, Good job!

Liv: What is really big, green and doesn't ever move?
Mommy: A tree
Liv: Good job mommy, Good Job!

Now this one had us totally puzzled!

Liv: What is always laying down and never moves?
Mommy: I don't know.
Daddy: Me either.
Liv: You guys are silly...its a carpet!

We laughted so hard that I swear I had tears. She is such a smart little girl, and I am always amazed at the things she comes up with.

PS. Pictures of Santa's special visit to come later tonight!


Cathy said...

oh my gosh... how cute!!!

Angela said...

LOL Too funny! She is a smart little one!

Michelle said...

Olivia is too cute!