Thursday, April 9, 2009



“Friends are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them.” Author Unknown


This pretty much summons up how I am feeling right now.  I believe that friends touch your heart and no matter what may happen throughout the years they will never really loose the spot you have created for them.

I have heard many times that friends come and go and to a degree yes I have been there and lost a few throughout the years.  But this time its different!  A big part of me is really not ready to let go of this person yet, but it is something that is not in my hands anymore.  I feel hurt/sad and yes a little guilty that this happened. 

I have prayed these last few days that a resolution would be reached and yet it was not, at least not the one that I had hoped for. 

Now all there is left for me to do is pray that not only I find peace with this, but also everyone else involved.  It is not easy for I still care for this person, and when you care for someone you cannot just forget and move on.  I still wish her and her family all the best in the world, I still hope that somehow she can put any hurt and anger behind her and move on, just like I am going to try.


Angela said...

Ana so very well pit and for the record you are stuck with me lol

Unknown said...

very well put this point all we can do is pray for any resolution, even if it isn't the one we want. and hope that the hurt, guilt and sadness goes away quickly for all of us involved, including her.

Ana said...

I am glad I am stuck with you girls...I can tell you I am not letting you go!

Michelle said...

That was sweet Ana...and you guys are stuck with you better get used to that now! LOL

Angela said...

Ummm need a new post girl... Love ya :)

Vera said...

Sorry to read that you are all struggling with a friend issue. It's so sad to lose one. Hugs to all!!!