Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Behavior, Chore and Potty Charts

Behavior charts are a wonderful way to get children motivated and helping them change their negative behavior.  I have been on the search the last few weeks for charts which we can implement with each one of the kids, but couldn’t really find anything that fit our exact needs.

For Olivia, I really wanted a chart that helped her work on a few of her “negative” behaviors, like the constant screaming when we brush her hair, not sharing with her brother, etc, but at the same time introduce a few easy and fun chores that will help her earn positive feedback quickly and keep her interested and motivated.

For Tyler, currently our biggest struggles with him are his hitting and the fact that he has absolutely no interest in getting potty trained.  I also want to introduce him to a few fun and quick easy chores, again easy things to keep him motivated.

Since it is impossible to find just the “perfect” chart out there I decided last night to make a list of items for each kids and make my own.  Both kids are excited about the charts and of course we sweetened the deal with a few rewards.  For every item on their chart that is completed each day, they will receive a small item at the end of the week. 

We will hang the charts on their very own special frame in our kitchen and they will be in charge of putting their stickers on them when they complete a chore or are rewarded for good behavior.

Olivia’s Chart:

Behavior Chart copy

Tyler’s Chart:

Potty & Behavior Chart copy

Our goal is to try the charts out for an entire month and than evaluate their progress and whether or not we will continue to use.  I have read and also heard from several people that this method doesn’t always work.  We just need to be consistent!  Wish us luck :)


Amelie said...

Thank you!
It’s so true that we need to implement responsibility into our children early on.
I have 3 sons-2, 3 and 4 years old. Since the 1 year old I teach children to help around the house and self-care. I use the Manini app it has a list of chores and self-care for children under 5. And in the app, the list contains almost 40 tasks. It is very convenient to mark what the child has already mastered. I like it so much they are small and come ask for more tasks.

Alexandra said...

I feel kid tell his or her parents , why he or she not wants to do something, or wants to